Owning a chihuahua comes with a small price to pay, chihuahua chewing problems is a regular issue but can be fixed with a little bit of training.
Younger chihuahuas are often the ones that will exhibit this behavior although older chihuahuas are known to chew up household objects as well. Understanding why your chihuahua is chewing everything first is important.
- Teething
- Has extra pent up energy
- It is angry at you
- It’s observing objects
- It’s Bored
All of these may be factors as to why your chihuahua has chewing problems and is tearing up everything in your house. So to dive a little deeper, let’s see if we can find out why your chihuahua is chewing everything up.

Chihuahua teething & chewing
Puppies will be born without teeth and up until 8 months old will be in the teething phase. So any chihuahua puppy 0-7 months old will be constantly chewing on everything as a means to ease its discomfort from teething. Nothing is safe from being chewed during this phase so it’s important to have some small, safe toys for your puppy to chew on at all times.
An abundance of energy
Your little chihuahua needs regular play and exercise with freedom to let out all of its pent up energy. If you have been neglecting playing with your chi or not letting it run around outside in the yard, this may be the reason why it’s chewing everything up. Chewing on objects aggressively is a way for chihuahuas to get out some of their energy and it doesn’t care what it’s chewing on.
You’ve made your chihuahua angry
Something you’ve done recently has maybe made your chihuahua angry with you. It could be giving somebody else or another pet more attention. It could be you’ve punished your chi in some way recently and is lashing out by chewing on objects. Or even something like it doesn’t like the food you’ve been feeding it.
Chihuahuas are very proud and spoiled dogs, they can become angry at almost anything because they know they deserve the best. Consider these as a reason why your chihuahua is chewing everything.
Observing objects
If you have a new chihuahua recently brought home, or a new puppy, the dog may just be observing its environment. Dogs will learn about new objects or areas by biting or chewing or licking things. Take this into account when trying to figure out why your chihuahua is having chewing problems.
Chihuahua boredom
There may be times when your chihuahua is left home alone or you can’t give your dog adequate attention. Boredom can come on at these times and as a way of coping, your chihuahua may start to chew on objects. This may be a regular thing for your dog and a reason to consider when trying to find out why your objects are all chewed up when you get home.
How to stop chihuahua chewing everything
- Giving your chihuahua plenty of exercise
The best way to stop a grown chihuahua chewing everything is of course, wear him or her down daily. They’ll want to for the most part just relax the rest of the day.
- Present them with chew toys
Don’t punish your chihuahua, instead you can replace what it is currently chewing on for a chew toy. A firm “no” should be enough but make sure you give your chihuahua something in its place to chew on so it understands what is meant for chewing.
- Regular training
A well trained chihuahua is a well behaved chihuahua. Mostly the training should be done by the person whom the dog believes is the most alpha in the household. Chihuahuas are quick to believe themselves to be the most alpha if you allow them to do whatever they want for most of the day.
- Offensive taste/odor spray
Spraying objects with something that has an offensive taste or odor to it that dogs do not like is a deterrent as well. Make sure it’s not poisonous to your chihuahua. One popular product for this is Out!